My journey down life’s path is a long one With many highs and an abundance of lows Yet here I stand, head held high Taking whatever life my way throws
Forty six years ago we find the beginning Where my reason for being has its start Born to such amazing parents, mom and dad From that day a family, never to be apart
Raising me was no easy task I am told Strong-willed and determined to be Always right and get my own way A wild spirit waiting to soar free
But persevere my parents did do And loved me, no conditions in place Raising me with a firm foundation Upon which to build and embrace
And so too do I love my children And hope I have shown the same As my parent’s unconditional love So proud of whom they became
Life will come around full circle Remember what you reap is what you sow So be true, and honest and above all else To yourself your deepest love should bestow
For love can and will conquer all Of everything thrown our way Celebrate your life and family too So forever, together you’ll stay
Mind is rambling, just wanting to write, so apologies if not cohesive