let out into some miniscule town by someone else's proportionality, here is always smaller than somewhere bigger. there are always more people somewhere else. there are less people hiding, like me. and i'm left convinced still, no matter the permanence of what i'd say or you'd feel, you'll find someone new and better, or old and more familiar (this keeps happening, the same patterns repeat, the inside of my head reels). so, don't bother assuaging my fears. somehow, by this point, they are mostly what compose me. i'll fall apart with or without them. with or without you. it all hurts. and i can't keep it together. not today. i burnt my self-esteem, by my own spark. everything tore me apart. a jigsaw puzzle, returned to pieces. but i don't fit: not into anyone's plan. not into any social hierarchy. not into my own palm. i'll let you cut off chunks of me, let you cram me into where you think i should fit. sure. but you might not allay my definitions. i'm sorry. spelt out s-a-d, i'll collapse into the same heap. you can make me happy for a day (or four years). sure. (but it's no good, if i still hate me.)
i'm not sure how much of this is true. i just don't feel right, right now.