A small and gratuitous thank you to every single one of you who read my absent minded emotions that I plaster among the fields of great poetry. A gracious acknowledgement to the best friends who listen to me say the same things over and over about the same boy and his beautiful hands and his leaving for Germany. A sincere recognition to the new friends who tolerate my abnormality and hang with me through the spontaneity of midnight conversations through binary code of chat functions. A sincerest gratitude to the mother who carried me through the hard winter when anxiety made me heavy with the weight of my worries. Who now shares happy afternoons garden beds and chai tea on the front porch. To everyone in my life who witnessed my darkest hours and sunniest peaks. To every single person who has trekked the terrain of my unpredictable personality and sarcastic biting words my cruelty and arrogance my sleep deprived, half assed attitude my unpredictable pickiness and my constantly changing tastes. You have seen me at my worst and stayed strong by my side so now I am proud to share with you my best. To everyone who helps me get through the day Thank you.