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May 2014
The soul breathes and its light bleeds the flesh of physicality
It is the crystalline water which is the essence of this entity
Adamic in structure, moulded with silica clay
the said fourth phase of water
:the human.

The unit of the student soul, the illusion of the Sugmad offshoot
In its manipulation the patterns of its identity have been confused
the DNA stripped of etheric balance and its consciousness subjugated to the confines of Systemic Conformity
Tied in time, a slave of wonder, a child of discovery
Wandering in the tapestries of Material streams oblivious to the Surreal bells and strings
Tapping into the wild, the way would oft look foggy
the backbone rests against the fig tree
The eyes shut from the silence of the wind, the breath within sinks him into the Fourth
A state described heavenly as it is ascension facing North

In the pursuits of comfort he seeks the way in dogma confront
Media and temptation at his forefront
He is trapped and conflicted
Abused immensely by the memory of past lives, and the truth of his Galactic roots
Some serving ancestors,
that there be guides who are advanced souls in the afterlife
others believers in Watchers
some serving the soul-igniting Messiahs
It is said that these Superheroes of distant skies could fly
fly and walk on water

Did they really walk on water or were they merely reviving those buried in the ground with the purity of their footprints as the were clearly star-aligned
Reviving the dead yes would be as walking on water, teaching the souls that have devolved to tango once more
Preparing them for the Galactic Dance
a Ball, the twist of a storm
Walking on Water, swimming in the Ocean Of Love and Mercy
for all we are is Water
For Water is merely stretched light and thickened sound
Until we walk on water once more, the waves echo on and warn of a storm if we do not listen and answer the call.
Written by
SeeNhlanhla Moment  29/M/Witbank, South Africa
(29/M/Witbank, South Africa)   
   Dark n Beautiful
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