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May 2014
I feel like I am cracking and there is no glue that can hold me together.
Together we fought the most amazing battles I wish they would put us in the history books.
I thought that we were gods amongst the stars we started storms cascading rivers flow so overflowing with our own words we made dictionaries jealous.
We fell in love because neither of us knew how to swim I think we were the most beautiful memorials ever given for the living it didn't get more monumental than us.
I used to wonder how many pages they'd dedicate to us how many lesson plans would be written around us I wondered how many times we'd be diagnosed I hoped we were contagious we would've been the most beautiful disease anyone could ever catch.
I find myself catching my breath now every time I see the bridge we built I have yet to burn that one and I'm afraid when I do it won't catch fire, but fire is the only thing that will erase us now.
My eyes get so heavy at night now I hope I can keep them open a minute longer because my monsters don't hide underneath my bed.
My head holds nightmares that haven't been made into nursery rhymes yet.
This has turned into the hardest part, no lullaby can calm me down enough to sleep because you aren't sleeping next to me anymore
I swear this is a tragedy far greater than anything they dare put in the papers
Why weren't we in the papers
Where was our eulogy
Who will remember
What we were,
When will this stop hurting.
I hope that this stops hurting soon.
I know now that there will be no idols erected in our name no bindings brushed with our title no one will be turning pages of us in anticipation our plot will never thicken.
We have become the turning point in a war on words. A war on ideas, we are just an idea now and we aren't fighting for the thought of us any longer we'll fade like the end of a sentence that was never meant to be spoken I can no longer imagine the martyrs we would have become, because we aren't we anymore.
You and I-
I can't stand these new pronouns please come back I like the way "we" sounds on my tongue make this "me" into an "us" it can't hurt to go down in history I heard that the fall is not as bad as it seems, please fall with me again.
There were hundreds of articles of clothing written in the bedroom we shared.
Sometimes I read them over and over again knowing that they will never be published please let me have this story I want us to be more than just another undocumented event
People deserve to have our history repeat itself.
Adeja Powell
Written by
Adeja Powell
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