Here's a list of reasons; 1. Your mother carried you in her womb for 9 whole months 2. She went through hell giving birth to you 3. Your dad spent his entire life savings buying your diapers and clothes 4. Your little sister looks up to you 5. Your cousin wants to be able to smile as bright as you do 6. Your niece wants to be a good poet, just like you are 7. Your grandmother wants to watch her granddaughter at her graduation 8. Your boyfriend wants to spend the rest of his life with you 9. Your favorite music bands need your support 10. Your favorite tv shows need you to stay up late waiting for the next episode to be released 11. Your favorite books needs a reader who would read it over and over again 12. Your pen and paper need an artist who is inspired by everything around him/her 13. You make a difference 14. You matter 15. Because you were brought into the world for a reason, and for that ******* reason, you shall be alive.