make a promise on this paper, give it to someone you want to make the promise to and they'll give it back when you keep it. This promise has to be kept. It's a little business card size card and on the bottom all it says is because I said I would I want to promise you the world, because I said I would but that "can't be kept" I want to promise I'll stop cutting but can I keep that promise? I want to promise I'll be happier but *can I keep that promise? I want to promise to be more motivated to be a better daughter, to be a better, more motivated student, to be better. But my question is, can I?! Can I be happier? Can I stop cutting? Can I start being motivated? Can I stop being tired, so perpetually tired? Can I Change? because I said I would people break promises all the time people say they would all the time and it doesn't change the fact they don't so I left the card blank blank like my future my future that is so undecided and distant yet so very close My future, that is up to me to decide because I said I would I say, I will try trying is all I can do