My dreams of everlasting hatred for you Are buried in heights of love I hated you because I was naïve and young. And in all my life activities I would do anything to have you Far away from me.
I truly detested you like snakes fear fire Now not any more., that the love I bear is Greater than the sand spread at the beach. I give it all to you,
Remembering how I suffered interlia under your arms With countless sleepless nights In effort to match your standards. Each time they assembled us to simply laugh at me, I became certain of never catching up with you.
You didn’t stand being my subject but soon turned Me into your subject. I now Love you as much as I suffered for/with you Always thought we are not compatible till My patience delivered its promise. Am an outstanding character for having Mastered your ways.
You have taught me how to read with analysis Since my regrets sound more prestigious and Surprising than an engagement moment. You are a true blessing in disguise.
They use you to find me, and when they find me, I use you to keep them. I see others laughing, in praise of a gift, Some say your funny, while others Emotional, One told me your lonely and the other said your lovely. Then another said you’re complicated, while the rest Congratulate me in your presence, and Award me on your behalf even To an extent of adopting your own name.
Hardly, can I do without you, though my phones And gadgets don’t say a word but wonder why we Always have to keep in contact. For the sake of writing, I carry pens Half of my time is spent on reading, Memorizing in typing. Together we rock, partners of eternity With a bond as strong as fish in water.