with my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds I try to survive this trip stepping around every stranger in the strange crowds
dreamers have no place in this world so my heart fights my day job habits my creativity shot from cannons is hurled while I run down holes chasing white rabbits
have I lost my mind? where was it before I asked? did all the drugs politely turn down all the questions of my kind? did every line of coke spell answers to my lifelong pain masked?
with my tie on to make a dollar I can shake your hand with the fakest of faces but the relief I need to loosen the collar always leaves little strung out traces
but isn't life made to never count one person? isn't that why we marry and breed? so we have misery's company as the days worsen and an excuse for the green bill greed
you think I fear the conference room meeting? I'm more afraid of Captain Hook because as I grow down I realize the stories were precious distractions from all the beatings I took
******* wear my life for a day and try to endure the hurt I've learned the pain killers that go down like spoonfuls of sugar I've learned to suture when the blood spurts and the bars and friends with compliments will always be my pushers
so with feet on the ground where the killers carry all the keys I keep my head above all that's you spell out as real and I'll never take another **** on my knees because the pushers and the wonderlands make sure I never have to feel