I believe that One who cannot handle One's beliefs being challenged did not arrive at them by genuine means. Their beliefs be not authentic, but are, rather, artifacts of people who "know better."
Better; prithee, better for whom?
I believe they've been conditioned to believe in such a way; Pavlov's Dogs, but via spiritual food; hence such unwillingness to discuss the reasons: they know them not.
They were merely imbued with such zealous belief as if, hypothetically, by some socially sanctioned cult, rather than encouraged to think for themselves, arriving at authentic philosophical conclusions.
But, then again, authentic philosophy is impossible to control from the outside, in.
Aye, *there's the rub.
This is about no particular school of thought, simply the unwillingness to philosophize about one's own philosophy. It just so happens that many schools of thought exclude personal philosophers. Hence my distaste for them, and hence this write.