in a setting sun reflected with imperfections on the lake she waits under the summer tree its lively conversation with the wind stirs shadows and returns lost memories to her like wayward children asking for bread and a sip
her fathers stern voice on a cold night her first kiss by moonlight at bible camp her cat's purr these things come back to her in a rush but the stillness of her face undisturbed her's is a setting sun reflected by the lake with imperfections
night is a sour brother to day and sits heckling her from the window that she should endure the hour alone that her time fallow ground the seeds scattered without care but her hand scatters to her sleeping poet and rests reassured on his feverish brow
she draws his form in fine lines and shadows a black and white reflection of imperfection sleeping she lingers with her smile and by moonrise she is curled up in his arms both dreaming reflections of the days reality's but dreams are imperfect messengers of meaning and hers is stuttering images of yesterday
in a rising sun perfectly perceived her bare skin wakes him with anticipations of lustful hungers he sees only her perfections sees only the bright beauty of her body and soul that is his imperfection we are all slaves to our sunset's we are all hopeful children of our dawn's they are both imperfect but together they are perfectly imperfect