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May 2014
You were never really there when I was younger.
The divorce set us apart with your constant job sprinkled in.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I had no one to play catch with.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I had no one to watch to run like a man so I learned from the little girls next door.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I looked around and saw my friends with their perfect parents as I sat with my broken parents   wondering what it feels like.
You were never really there when I was younger.
Ao I found myself sympathizing with fictional character that either had one parent or didn’t have any at all.
You were never really there when I was younger.
So I thought of myself as half the kid others were.
You were sometimes actually there when I was younger.
When you did see me, you took me to fun places like baseball games and the zoo.
You were sometimes actually there when I was younger.
I found friends to play baseball with and you came to see my games.
You were sometimes there when I was younger.
How badly I run doesn’t change the man I am.
You were sometimes there when I was younger.
Though kids had perfect families, I had two time the family they had.
You were there when I was younger.
I had clung to superheroes without parents like Batman and I had clung to you.
You were there when I was younger.
I was never half the kid.
I am a whole kid with a perfect, broken family.
And you were always there.
Written by
Chris Renninger  Monticello, New York
(Monticello, New York)   
     ---, Brielle O'Brien and Bethany
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