I hang onto the edge of your tongue like a cliff that holds my obituary written in it's stone structure- as if every word you speak could change me or send me flying over the edge- forever falling, with no sense of security. I have been bent and broken and twisted and misconstruedΒ Β into a shape I am no longer familiar with- I am a mere figment of what once was a shadow hidden in the dark alleys and bed sheets of my subconscious. Who I was is now just a ghost and when resurrection is a rarity I'm not sure there's anyway to make it back. It seems the only time I am enough is when I am putting on a smile or kissing the traces of your neck I left the dark side of myself behind when we first meet. Seems I am the girl you hide away inside your bedroom and your sheets. The girl you sleep with, and sleep next to but one you never seem to exit your comfort zone for. I am more than just an everyday routine. Please, just try for me. That's all I need. Who I once was isn't who I am now.. So please give me back a fraction of what I have left behind for you.