Using silence as the means to express his dismay he was going to make a statement and say nothing all day but his mother just assuming he had nothing much to say sent the silent revolutionary back outside to play. Outmaneuvered by his mom and her total disregard for his wild campaign of muteness the rebellion fell apart peaceful protest hadn't worked he should have guessed right from the start it makes no difference when you're quiet if no-ones listening very hard.
Back when I was a nipper my parents moved us away from our home in the city. I didn't speak to them for weeks. They either didn't notice or wereΒ Β more practiced in the art of psychological warfare than me. I suspect the latter
Early learning..
Using silence like a megaphone to broadcast his dismay
he tried to make a statement without speaking for a day
but his mother just assuming that he'd nothing much to say
sent her silent revolutionary son outside to play;
outmaneuvered in the kitchen by his mother's disregard
for the planned campaign of muteness, his rebellion fell apart
to the sound of scuffing shoes and the grumble in his heart
cos peaceful protests tend to lose when no-one's listening very hard..