I actually feel sorry for him my extension my avatar
I wake him every morning no matter how sleepy he is get him out of bed before sunrise while I hide deep inside.
He arises to reply respond put out and deny.
A hook through the nose to catch the bucks and cast him out into that old main stream where he does his perfect avatar thing he dances jigs he placates he sings he says please and thank you can I get you anything the fingers waving at him no longer mean a thing.
A master of the palms up he can always say "who? Not me."
And when his day is done I reel him in remove what ever little bucks he caught
Sit him down in front of the t.v. gin and juice and dancing images too.
Give him a sleeping pill so he sleeps so sound no dreams to disturb his life and routine a brown nosed role in the consumer machine.
I slip him into bed and sometimes in the late night I hear him weeping.
In the morning I get him up to do the same **** thing .
Thanks to the singer-song writer Todd Snider for the phrase "fishing in that old main stream"