Let's take a hike let's go on a journey for life no car or bike this journey ends in you being my wife
I know you have a lot of baggage but its good that your prepared so of the mountain dont be scared If your load is too heavy then your load i will carry put it on my shoulders just think of them as your pain holders
and when your baggage starts to hold us back as our connection grows older we will take a peak in your pack and take out all the boulders everything that no longer matters ill take all away ill even remove his dagger from where he stabbed you in the back
sometimes we will go left cause not everything is right this mountain is tall sometimes we will have to fight Its an uphill battle and the journey is long you will feel tired and weak but i will keep you strong
Remember this is a hike and we're climbing by foot there's only one rule don't stay put
This is a journey for life that ends in you being my wife so get your baggage bring what ever you like and whenever your ready let's take a hike