His favorite place was lakeside But mine was by his side, And don't tell me that "boys will be boys", When he made me get on my knees At my own mother's birthday, Because what he felt for me was lust Not love, And although his passion was requited His love was not. My body was once a temple Until he conquered and turned a once sacred place into ruins, Like the true Spartan he was, With armor strong enough to protect his heart, And sharp enough to cut the hearts of others. He didn't throw babies off cliffs, But his glare when I told him "no" was enough to Make me jump off of one into a pit of cold redemption. I loved him more than words could fathom And he loved me with please's and yes'. My voice was hidden under darkness and low self-esteem And every time he pulled my hair I plunged further Into these waters. I lied to everyone and myself, But there comes a time when all these lies Start to poison any reason you once retained. What pulled me out was the will to restore the sacredness To my desecrated heart. His favorite place is still the lakeside, But now mine is my inside.