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May 2014
What to say
What can I say I haven't said a thousand times
I wish I knew

When I speak it hurts
My words cutting like knives in you skin
Leaving red lines

I don't want to hurt you
I wish I know how to say every thing in my heart
It can't be said

You know how I feel
I would cut my chest with a knife and let it all spill out
If it made you smile

You know my heart
You felt it beat as you lay your head on my chest falling asleep
I remember

It was so good
I never regret any of it
always happy

So many dreams
There are still so many things left to do
I know how I feel

There is no confusion
Those days are gone and all there is left is desire
There is no pain

I will carry on
I think of you all the time
I miss you

I never left
There is nothing to make me abandon you
It is alright

Here I stand
I am not broken any more
Truly strong

I had so many names for you
Non could express how special you where
How many do you remember

Deeply wishing
I could see your smile light up
One more time

I digress
I know you can't let your self hear me
So I hold my self back

I hide
I will do as you ask if it pleases you
Vanishing unspoken

Just know
Those three words
That is all
Written by
Ranger  In the Dark
(In the Dark)   
   Fenix Flight
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