On xanax, I want to save the world. See it, save it, savour the lady who tells me it's 'jargon,' the newspaper. It's 'jargon,' all those books you don't understand and thus return to the library. 'Jargon, jargon. All-right, fair enough, have a good night.' A blustering, fat -bodied strangeman, walks in, talks of homeless hairies who cut in front of him at McDonald's, rudely assert their desperation with greasy foreign hair basing down the nape of their neck, beseech the poor fat ******* to his last-straw tossed toward a health minister who won't 'speak for himself' but has his secretary 'speak for him.' what the hell is that? he asserts, face in a squeeze- pause and a left-side lazy eye bowing offward, 'ridiculous, disgusting.' 'well, I hope you have a good night, take care, sir.'