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May 2014
You said my aberrant behavior will get me nowhere.
Yes, indeed that could be all too real,
But perhaps the thought never occurred to you that your where, is my nothing.
Something to you as in rolling down a hill or riding a wave can be ever so tedious,
However those acts of liveliness are what I find the greatest ecstasy in.
We liveΒ in a world where there are microscopic bacteria taking down elephants,
water flowing at 5,270 meters cubed per second freezing solid in the air,
trenches over eleven-thousand feet deep that is yet to be explored,
and having continents breaking apart to such a thin extent that molten rocks from the center of the Earth are reaching the surface and creating open hole volcanoes.
Now if you choose to spend each day in this world with a new pile of paper,
I want you to have the best days of your life,
doing what you want.
But when it's expected, actually forced,
upon others,
you have not done the Earth well.
Mary Campell Spencer
Written by
Mary Campell Spencer  United States
(United States)   
   Juniper Deel and Mary
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