There once was a body of water that ran All among the mountains and up to a **** A clean clear river of simple pleasure But it was worth more than all your treasure But darkness fell to that land And the I had no water to hold in my hand The people cried "Oh, rain gods come and fill our stream" But all in haste they decided we must sacrifice our Queen Soul for soul and blood for water Just one life to slaughter But love of her people and her kin Could not stop her from shaking within A long trek to highest peak And there they saw the remains of their creek But a trickle of dew in the mud And soon it would be mixed with sacrificial blood On the alter the lady was lain But all their hopes were killed in vain The knife was raised and dropped like a stone And on that day no sun shone Her tears crept down in silent pools To give life to these poor fools And as you watch and as they wait The tears of love and tears of fate The rain racing to the bank And the people fell and began to thank