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May 2014
Some call me a savage,
a bit of a lady ravisher,
but actually
I'm a bloodthirsty pirate,
a bearded buccaneer
by trade.

I plunder & I pillage,
but never do I ****.
I just soothe you
by kissing the sweet-nape
of your delicate neck
& believe me Queenie,
it'll make you move rather quick,
when I swallow your drip.

You'll want me,
beg me to raid
your pretty ship
again & again,
take all of your precious *****.

My parrot will laugh
at my various quips
& don't be alarmed,
there's nothing nefarious
about my peg leg,
'cause it's hollow,
it's where I hide
the golden loot.
Jonny Angel
Written by
Jonny Angel  GRB090423
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