once upon a clock my house was but a pile of cards dealt badly to me or so i thought but as time rolled by riding a mossless rock i was inclined to think i could rebuild my deck using a straighter arrow and some crazy glue and make a cosy nook to theorize and dissertate on the new and better portion, for to sit on my plate. for as the wind blows it can bring fortunate things of gilded dust and dedelian wings. sonetimes it is the choice that matters. and somtimes it is ok to just sit on the dock and watch it all blow away but don't watch kettkes.for they are just introvert and shy... now the toaster however is a pop up kinda guy. ok so now this garden path is leading somewhere a tad weird down past the zen all calm and white mountains to the quirky and a little bezerky secret garden wall and locked where all the gnomes have ned kelly beards, and the lions are dandy and a titch randy. the dragon snaps are snippity and the roses are just **** posers and the camelia's would **** for a good cup of tea.
but enough of the garden tour, we needs must be giving attention to the matter at hand tho sleight as it be we have a house of cards to rebuild
a free flow of metaphoric idiocy before i go to bed..fully aware i probably should have gone to bed earlier ...before i let go the hound of bad mixed breed metaphor hope you enjoy the sillines.(mistakes and all)