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Apr 2014
I don't know what it is about you
that always has my head spinning
and maybe it's just on a platonic level now
I just really like your silly giggle
there's something about you
dark and pale
but open,
and closed,
cheerful, adorable,
the perfect jawline
in fact, if someone asked me my ideal partner,
the way I'd describe them
might as well be your eharmony profile
but we don't have to be romantic
and it's okay that we're not
because I get to enjoy you for you
without agenda
without confusion
without angst
just the pleasure of your company.
you're sweet, but not really, but really you are
and it's okay
because you're so unique
you are a gem,
and if I ever find another like you,
I now know how to treat them.
Written by
M  The back of your mind
(The back of your mind)   
   Louise, ---, Cailey Weaver, R, L and 1 other
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