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Apr 2014
How does it feel when the guns pointed at you?
When u take your final breath and the guns man say
It sounds like two because you never hear the one,
Because by that time your already gone.

When you gasp and the bullet goes through
And I look at you in disbelief as I don't believe it's true.
A life taken it'sΒ Β unbelievable was it mistaken.
You had plan this long ago but I believed your were faking.

Now I kno the truth, I kno it's real
Now u can wipe that smerk off your face
As u can see how I really feel
Cold hearted, heart frozen
Can't feel a thing neither do I wish to
paralyzed to love Is it because of these gun wounds.

Even when my body drips the last drop of blood I need to survive
I won't forgive you
Because why?
It's simple, you meant to;
Not only to end a chance of true love but a life too.
Written by
BeautyOverScars  Bahamas
     ---, Weeping willow, --- and ---
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