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Apr 2014
The sermon at church this morning was called "I am Jesus, the Good Shepherd" and it got me thinking. In this world of 7 billion people and drugs and alcohol and guns, how am I supposed to find God?
That was a rhetorical question, by the way.
Because I think I've already found him.
With God, you're supposed to feel safe. And pure. And loved. You're supposed to find true happiness and not go astray. You're supposed to be a good little sheep and stay with the flock, where your shepherd is. Your shepherd will feed you and keep you warm and safe.
I feel safe in your arms. Even though I'm far from innocent, I feel pure. I feel loved. I'm happy with you. I haven't gone astray, I've stayed with you. You hold my hand through the valleys of darkness that I must walk through. You will feed me and keep me warm and safe on nights where I just can't sleep and the cold invades my bones and the hollow space between my ribs where my heart should be beating. You'd die for me.
That's how I know that I've found God in you. You're not perfect. You're deeply flawed and above it all, you're still just a teenage boy. But to be completely honest, I think God sent you here just for me. We're meant to love each other, among all the wars and drugs and guns and out of all the 7 billion people out there, we were meant to find each other.
I'm so glad we did.
Graced Lightning
Written by
Graced Lightning  NYC//DTX
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