An ordinary day arrived again and ticketed talk it cost me just to say "one second more- let's go for a walk"
"Yes- if you will promise- to see me as yourself and not the thing you made of me that clock upon your shelf"
we strolled through misty meadows and hand in hand that day I learned to love my freedom and the things which come what may
we had our day together I cannot say the date I want to say an extra- ordinary day but wait...
"Why can't an ordinary day be just this like today?" and Ordinary looked at me and pointed towards the sway....
"That same old wave is NOT the same no ordinary roll and waves through placid water seem to change the water's soul the ins and outs the ups and downs of every single day are separate parts of sameness but unique in every way"
"try not to over think it be quiet, or you'll miss the things you take for granted make for silence, calm the hiss!"
and so my ordinary date had tried set me free to wander down the road without a single peep from it to me
a silent celebration seemed no ordinary day reset my pace for living and now no fine to pay!
Hey! "Where do you think you're going?" as the sun sets in the west "I've got to get a move on but you've been a splendid guest
I'll be back tomorrow just an ordinary mate but if you care to have some fun we'll make another date!" .