I'd like to drink true and bold and fearless and honest,
instead they tell me to bottle it up.
I'd like to breath easy sleep steady, smile drink more and sigh at a sight-
but instead I'm just foolish.
I've been told it is wrong since forever, and have tried my hardest to drink only the freshest wine- like all the other people my age do, but I cannot. It results only in my lying, Faking emotions I could never have, pretending to like the pure taste.
I've never seen a problem with it, but Not only do they say it is wrong- it is illegal. It hurts my soul, for now, but soon, just a year, I'll be free to love and drink aged wine the same as I do now, only with less scrutiny.
I'll be free to be held in public with few judging eyes, I'll drink unto it and it will drink into me. and the brief secretive moments of passion that have always stayed hidden that people say is wrong can end- and cautiously enter where the sun's rays pour.
I have my eye on a fine bottle of wine, it gets better with age, they tell me I shouldn't, taking a drink would be wrong, I've only had sips- but soon so soon, I'll have a glass.