Oh Divine Holy Mother and very compassionate friend, please help my earthly mother get better yet once again. You are really the only one whose help doesn't ever fail, please help her to recover and so thus be of some avail.
We also humbly ask Thy pardon for any wrong that has been done by us all your wayward children before this time around had come. We can only try and do what our conscience tells us to do but please guide us with Thy wisdom and keep us all true.
There're many here among us who don't know wrong from right who are without proper discrimination lacking Thy guiding light. Please do us all a favour when we come to meet Thee the next time by showering Thy grace on each of us and lead us all into our prime.
You're the Divine Goddess of the Universe one with the Supreme Lord caring for all the creatures in the world with which You never get bored. Those who do beseech Thy love and grace You more readily favour, recognising that they all depend on Thee their welfare You do savour.
Oh Dear Divine Holy Mother Thy compassion and grace we all need to eradicate our lower nature together with ignorance and all bad seed. Thou art one with The Eternal Father and all nature bows at Thy Feet, please help and guide us on that true path until the next time we meet.
This was written when my mother was sick and in hospital many years ago. It was also inspired by my visit at the time to a well known Indian Lady regarded to be a Mystic and Saint who was visiting Australia about 20 years ago. By the way my mother did get better afterwards with the help of Providence and medical treatment.