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Apr 2014
1 am
Woke up and looked at you to make sure you were still there. We couldn't sleep next to each other, so I had no idea if you would still be on the sofa next to mine, sleeping soundlessly in the dark of the living room.
2 am
I woke up again and looked over. You were now sleeping on your side to where I could see your face. Very little light from the crescent moon hit your face and highlighted all of my favorite parts of you--Your nose, your eyes, and your oh-so-kissable lips. I smiled and found sleep waiting for me again.
3 am
I look up and you are still breathing. I smile and fall into yet another dreamless oblivion.
4 am
I awaken to myself gasping for air, and clenching onto the covers tightly. I look up at the chandelier and take a moment before I look at you to make sure you are still okay. Just breathe.Right, now I can look I turned over and all I could see were your legs, which hung over the side of the sofa. Your soft porcelain legs looked quite cold. I took a moment to appreciate your soft legs before I pull your cover down a bit. You held on tightly and softly said, "Rach..." before I smiled and let go. I slowly put my head down again and fell asleep once more.
5 am
I remember waking up again, but this time I couldn't see your face, so I just feel asleep once more.
6 am
Woke up, but I decided not to check. I could hear your breaths instead, which is the only reason I was able to fall asleep.
7 am
I woke up, checked again, and feel asleep... again.
8 am
I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing and my friend telling me she had to throw up again (poor girl, it's her birthday) and I looked over and saw you there. I looked for another minute, and then feel asleep one last time.
8:26 am
I awoke and it took me a moment to register why everyone was awake now. It is so early and I am so tired. I decided to look over at you, but you weren't there. I couldn't process that you weren't there in my mind, so instead I looked around frantically. They asked if I knew where you went? and I shook my head. They looked upstairs, in the bathroom, and even the bedroom we put all of our things in. Finally they found you lying on the extra bed with your phone in hand. I walked in and knelt down to kiss you on the head. You were awake and silent. I smiled, said I loved you and went back to the kitchen to start making breakfast.
8:40 am**
You came in the kitchen and smiled at me. Your hair was everywhere and your eyes looked tired. All I wanted right then was to swoop you up and kiss you passionately. But, sadly I did not. I kept stirring the pancake mix and pretended that none of this, nothing of you, make me completely and utterly insane inside.

The butterflies kept flapping and the fish inside of me kept swimming and every single part of me ached to have you next to me. I smiled as I made the pancakes and for some reason, I felt as if it were just the both of us there together. You sitting on the chair smiling at me and me pouring the mix into the pan. It felt like the perfect morning, even with all of my other friends here as well.
woke up every hour last night checking on her. honestly, I have no idea why, but I couldn't help it.
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