There is no greater comfort than lying next to the beat of your heart The breath in your chest The safety of your presence With you my soul is calm With you the monsters can't get me With you my nightmares become dreams and soundly I sleep Please, don't ever leave My big brother you say My best friend I say My everything every day No bond is stronger than the one that binds us together And we will join spirits and continue to fight off argumentative aggressors That will never understand I am not your woman You are not my man But that is the beauty of it all; we don't have to explain a **** thing Not to anyone We know what we are and what we have and that it's special and that isn't something you can find in everyone A friendship so true the word does it no justice Moving beyond friends family blood and boundaries I thank God I found you and I thank Him even more that You found me
My BFF knows who he is, and he is the center of my soul's adorarion.