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Apr 2014
"nothing good stays "
i always did, so that makes sense
but your eyes were on your dream,
and apparently i was just some traffic
i always knew this was bound to happen
but that does not make it hurt less
you always think you've more time..there are going to be
more hugs,
more late-night talks,
more of everything
but then your world starts closing
in on you
and in the blink of an eye, he is gone..
and your time is over.
all the plans you made, all the promises..
they all get reduced to ..memories

memories that'l lhaunt you down at 2am
and make you cling to your pillowcase
and you'll realise you should never have let him touch you..
all the broken parts ofย ย you that he fixed
just burn now, reminding you of his absence
and you'll see him, almost everything will remind you of him
the lonely moon, the other side of your bed
one sad songs, or the phone that no longer beeps
or the smell of him on your pillowcase
absence of him will be everywhere you see
time will cease to have any meaning to you
even the best of your friends will fall apart
and it won't be their fault, 'cause after months of not having their calls received ..everyone thought it's better to not call
you think this is it..that you won't ever recover but you would
and when the wounds his sudden departure gave turn to scars, you'll promise yourself that you won't ever love
but will
he'll assure you that he is different, you'll try not to believe but one day you will

**the whole **** will start again
Not a poem , just a random ****, i'll edit it, i guess. I AM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME
Written by
Aditi  20/F/India
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