It took me a fortnight to figure out how long a fortnight is. I'd been meaning to investigate ever since that skinny kid who spoke in six dimensions mentioned it. He explained it like this: Floating spheres enveloped in a clear liquid some clustered together, some separated from the others each moving at a different pace each with its own gravity and sometimes a slew of unbound orbs will give chase to one that goes speeding by and sometimes two will collide, or three, or four, or more somtimes two will spiral around each other getting closer and closer while spinning faster and faster until they nearly touch but then go speeding off in opposite directions as if polarity had suddenly been reversed sometimes two will spin together and burst with more marbles spilling out from the eruption some globes explode with a force of their own taking out all that surround it still others quietly blip out of existence leaving behind nothing but a ripple in the clear goo that binds them all together. They told me he was crazy, but I thought that I knew "You're talking about the cosmos, aren't you?" "No," he said then flicked his head "I'm talking about people."