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Mar 2014
At the corridor of planet
Murmurs raise my gaze
The thorn of life
******* masses
Could this be fate?
Or life is just unfair

In a quest to ascertain my thesis
A log of thousand thought struck me
Soliloquing yet to myself
The visit of death
Even to the tender hearted

I found myself wrapped
In dilemma
Life criticizing death
Of been hallow,
Death took turn in pointing the *******
"That's for ******* lives over"

The agonizing dialogue ensued
Right in the depth of my clouded thoughts,
It then dawn on me
That indeed,fate prevails,
Even if we feel the harsh tone of life,
Or we enjoy the vast of its bliss
What remains of us afterwards?
For I later realise
As the day close by rapidly
Our intense aim of frivolous acquisitions
Allow us exempt
the fact
That the end of each day
Brings us closer
To our journey beyond...
Written by
Honeydrops  27/F/Calabar
   Pushing Daisies
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