I write you sweet *** love poems like you're the greatest thing that has ever occurred in my life Then you **** me off and make me think twice You're far more selfish than you think and I'm sick and tired of you always turning the blame on me I've purposely done things to you that you've done to me just to see your reaction And of course you never surprise me with your words and actions always looking for your own satisfaction How am I supposed to be cruising on a one way street? In one direction by myself on my feet? And yet you have the nerve to ask me, "what does this mean?" Take care of home, you tell me, take care of home We have no house we have nothing but the rotten chains holding us together seemingly forever so what fool says take care of home? Leave me alone, I say, leave me alone But you won't
And the endless cycle of love and hate begins Don't be fooled; nobody ever wins We ride the roller coaster over and over again until our hearts break so bad they're impossible to mend And then I'm looking like a ******* because I can't figure out if I'm your woman or your crutch now tell me what is that about?
I could go on and on and you'll read this and tell me I'm wrong like you always do Like you always say I turn things around to put pity on you Like you always say if you're tired then leave If you were the man you say you we're then you'd set me free, but no, of course not It's always on me