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Mar 2014
Time stands still in this room
As the sounds of spring bloom
outside these walls
And your voice is all I crave

But I'll let the music fill the silence instead
Since your voice is always in my head
Isn't it poetic
And I'm crazy
I'm losing it to your beauty

Don't let me slip away
Don't forget my laugh
Even though I hate it, I see how your eyes light up
when you hear that sound escape my lips
Echoing behind my teeth, yet I crave your tongue
between my cheeks

Endless thoughts while time is stopped
And your beauty personifies me
Fills me completely
with bliss, yet also the desire to always be something
And there's something poetic, isn't there,
to falling asleep in your arms
With the dream of reality growing more profound and vivid
Yes, poetic, it is, to slip between your sheets
And between your teeth
As I dream about love
And the cursive of my brain spills onto this page
As though the only thing moving forward is this ink
While we are frozen in perfection

As my daydreams take me to the clouds
Your nightmares keep you grounded
So let's meet in the middle
Because love is so belittling

How humble are we to expect nothing more than
to one day just BE
alive as we can be
Time will stand still until that day comes
And your beauty will be admired more with
each passing night
And so, until then,
Melanie Rose
Written by
Melanie Rose  St. Louis
(St. Louis)   
   Andrew Siegel, Peach and ---
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