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Mar 2014
At times, I don't wanna go to church.
At times, I don't feel like a Christian.
At times, I feel like no one cares...
Are you even listenin?

You just asked me how I am,
So I started to explain,
But it wasn't the answer you were looking for
You'd much rather hear, "I'm the same."

You don't really care how I'm doing,
But it's the typical Christian thing to ask..
"Hey man, how's it goin?"
Well for one, my heart's shattered like glass.

I sit in the corner alone sometimes
Just to watch and observe how you act
You make fun of the kids who aren't doing so well,
You aren't full of the spirit, you're full of CRAP.

Or what about her, she cuts herself,
You saw that a few months ago.
But you never cared enough to ask if you can help...
You were just one more excuse for her to let go.

So and so asked about her pain
All she needed was just to talk
But he didn't have "time" to hear her out
So he said, "That's good," and took off.

Now she hates going to church
But none of you even care
Nobody befriended her
It was like she was never even there.

I'm going to be brutally honest,
Sometimes I have hatred for you
Because I put myself out there and opened up a bit
But not once has a call came through.

Is that how a church should represent love!?
By acting like this is a game?
What would happen if I stopped talking to you,
Would you even remember my name?

I'm fed up with your mentality
I hate the way you talk about girls
You're fake and uncaring, selfish and cruel,
You're just like the rest of the world.

We all have our faults and our setbacks,
I'll lay mine out on the table
Nobody's perfect, but do you even try
Besides acting the "Christian" label?

Your falseness shows through your words,
It bleeds into your speech
I don't need another friend like you,
You **** my life out like a leech.

It's time to put aside childish things,
And start showing the love of Christ.
Make friends with the kid with the hair in his eyes,
Be Jesus' shining light!

So the next time you see someone hurting,
Just try and care a bit.
Your words mean the difference between love and hate,
So let kindness show through you, that's it.
Daniel Vanatta
Written by
Daniel Vanatta  California
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