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Apr 2014
now is the time
when all winds.....
            the lights are ......
    and the world....
the world settles.....
        .....and the breathing
of the room becomes
syncopated.......... smooth...
.........broken..only by...
the whimpers of.....
medicated ....sleep sodden pain....... you shift ..... as they shift....
...  the broken...bruised ..and..
battered anatomy... on slabs
of latex ...concreted.... beds..
but.... even that.... has become
a ...descant.... that..
with the..... murmuring lyric gossip...
... of the nurses station...
.... and the brass buzzers .
answered.....­ by squeaky.....sqeeeeky
... shod percussionary..... nurses
               i lie on.... the razors... edge...
...of pain..... the half light
concentrating.... on this...
assonic symphony  ....willing for it .. lull me.... into a... fitfull... sleep..
but .....   . tonight it seems the ....throbbing ...robbing...
roaring.....pain  ................ my damaged limb...
........... and ....torn ...........flesh playing.. playing
.. a counterpoint sleep...
............... havoc........ this night's song.....
           .......for me....
at least ...until...
the meds.... sing .......
.in my veins....and then....
.... all is........ a lullaby.....lulla .....bbye
from when i was recently in hospital having
slipped and badly broken my leg..
Written by
betterdays  F/east coast australia
(F/east coast australia)   
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