He had stopped writing the journals The pages were smelling of **** Tramping around in the middle of nowhere He had lost the utmost necessaties of existence A paradoxical levity however defined the situation aptly The truth was found in this surprisingly conventional existence The officers questioned him about his whereabouts To which he replied in a peeved tone "I'd rather not talk about my alibi, I'm living my life my way for sometime now" Moved about from the corners of the streets He lay bricks on their expectations Denuded mountains and a cask full of crippled hopes separated him from his loved ones He spent his evenings gazing at the indescribable tint of the rainbow With stardust captivating the left over soul The tangibility of dreams mocked at his living Fifty bucks and 2 unlit cigarettes Was all he had for another months dormancy The people were curious They wanted to know what he desired for All the snowbirds now are afraid of losing their children.