Thought about the values That stipulate the way You hold yourself in public And play your cards each day. Those building blocks of character The templates in your psych, The friction points of weakness That wake you in the night.
Thought about the substance That binds you to your way The strengths and the failings That motivate your day. Enigmatic factors, The quirks in your soul Which endear you to some But leave others quite cold.
Thought about loving And loathing and pride, And the great depths of sorrow We carry inside. The reluctance to face The resentments of sin With selective amnesia We nurture within.
Thought about birth With it's promise and joy, Thought about death As finality's ploy Laughed at the memory Of your smiling face And squirmed with discomfort In an old lies disgrace.
Thought about leaving But decide to stay, Thought about praying Buy what would I say ? I decided to sit And contemplate life With it's myriad fantasies, Pleasures and strife.
I Thought about you With a smile on your face, So I'll ponder awhile In this pleasant place. I'll sit and remember The happiness spared In that thin whisp of timeframe That mother fate shared.