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Mar 2014
I'm not 'gonna talk about suicide because it's a ****** thing to do
I know life is pretty hard as it is but again I won't put the blame on you

I know you're not stupid, maybe I am
I scream at you so much but you just don't understand
What is your reason, oh you sad sad man
I know you're not a coward but again I know you can't take a stand

They told me that I was wierd and in the mirror they could see a creep
I put it all on myself and with bleeding wrists I did weep
And than I took a noose and made sure it wasn't loose
Never bothered with a suicide note, I was struck with blues
And than I died with not a tear in my eyes,
I left every moment just lurking beneath the sky
And than I met God and he told me that I was stupid
And I told him he was the one who burned me with a cupid

And he told me that he had planned for so much more
And I told him why did he not tell me all this before

And he told me, oh child you couldn't see through your blues
So give me all your pain now and i'll put the crown of blame on you

"you're no fool but again you were never wise ,
Bad things happen to good people and that was the reason of your demise"

"and if you had waited till sunrise you could have seen the smoke clear
Couldn't you just watch breaking bad and all that **** and waited a few years my dear"

-but god, all I did was to just die, what's all the fuss about, that I didn't try ?
I tried but I failed and than I failed again without even trying,
My life was nothing but a joke and the world around me was dying

Enough screamed the god " I am god   and I crown you as a fool, I don't need a reason, I have all the universe to rule,
I don't have to argue with you punk, oh you emo kids think you're all so cool!"

"i'll make sure you're never re-born again , i'll put it up with my crew"

-what did I do to desreve this wrath of yours,  you never lent me a blanket when I was feeling cold,
'he will help you' 'he's always here for you', I was always told ,
But now I can see you are not what you were , man look at those wrinkles you've grown old

Shut up for godsake screamed the god

-you raised me in a broken home, dad was drunk, mamma a *****
I was ***** when I was four, do I need say more?
Where were you when I was popping those pills,
When daddy died and mamma didn't come home still,
I had to work my *** off when I was six to pay the bills
And I knew my chances of making out were nil

-in short it was going perfectly fine and I took that as a good sign,
And than you introduced me to a girl out of the blues
I knew than I was in love but I tried so hard(failed) to refuse
But you had to show you're 'godness' ,now didn't you?
Why did you land me a better job, who told you to?
Made me think I was a better man when I was with her,
And I could see a smile forming when I  looked in the mirror.

Are you done yet ?

-and than BOOM! , OUT OF NOWHERE you had to give her that stupid silver screen cancer,
Doctors have her two years to live but in only 2 months something killed her!

-now tell me god , what more did you had in store for me ?

God: "are you marilyn Lucas?, I have a feeling that I may be wrong"

- err, no I'm jack bundy, what the **** is going on?

"oh, i'm so sorry, it seems like my crew made a big mistake,
You can collect your token from the stands and proceed to the heavens gates"

"what ? , was it all a test ? "

"Hahah, this one is on the house"

Awkward silence

*to the crew,
"we 'gotta stop the suicides, it's becoming too confusing,
Who goes to heaven, who goes to hell ,  it's very time consuming"

I told you I wasn't 'gonna talk about suicide because it's a ****** thing to do
Notes (optional)
Written by
aviisevil  28/M/india
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