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Mar 2014
A shovel digs deep,
Loosening dirt.
Moving heaps of debris,
Muscles hurt.
Dust flies and rocks shift,
Does anyone know what hard work is worth?

I'm here, right now, moving the dirt.
Displacing the garbage.

Sifting through these nasty things,
I realize they're mine.
Every negative thing I've said or done
Has stacked up over time.

This job I've been given,
I'm not too thrilled.
I'm to remove the bad,
The ugly, the chilled.
Find the good.
Start to rebuild.

Although I'm unhappy with the amount of *******,
I know there's treasure somewhere.
I haven't seen it in quite some time.
But I know it's gotta be there.
I buried it by focusing on the garbage,
And now it's lost, life is so unfair.

So here I am, lost and alone.
Digging and sifting.
Wishing someone, anyone, would throw me a bone.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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