Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading, I see greyfogmisty, like clouds of softpillows glistening, But it'sshifting.
I want to reachout & touchyourhand Keephoping that you'llmagicallyappear* a curve starts forming across myfaceoftiredness...
Ifeel warmthinkingofher. Thefog seemstobelifting and now there's arayof lightpiercing thegrey'grey'ness...
&Maybe....; IfIclosemyeyesshe'llfeelcloser, Maybe...if I block out the vibrations&thenoises; I can picture a newvisionofher...insteadof envisioningamemory Not of someangel who seems to glowfromheaven, but thewarmth of hereyes as shesilentlygazed beyondthesilenceoftheunkown, Thewayshe'dsay myname and makemefeelwhole.
Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading Isee greyfogmisty, like flufflywhitecloudsofsoftpillows.. but it's shifting. and I'mthinking... of you.. andthinking.
Having a fairylikeyou as mybestfriend... is such a giantgianthippo of a blessing andbeingyourbestfriend... isthebestestbestthing... *ever.
Wrote this in the backseat of a bus on a cold foggy morning... Inspired by the weather and my angelfairy bestfriend<3 -H