To me, hugging is so much more than A simple embrace It's a chance for me to connect with you And share
If you're happy I'll share in your joy Let the happiness flit around my being And soak it it
But not like a sponge, I don't want to take it More like a mirror To let it be a part of me And the reflect it back again at you To increase Always adding to
If you're sad, it's different This will be a long touch Me clinging to you, you clinging to me
Now is the time to be a sponge I soak up all the bad It's gone You won't have it anymore At least not in the same way
And that joy from the other times? While the hurt flows from you into me Through my left arm My right is coursing with Positivity and bliss Straight into your soul
So next time we hug Or even just touch Know that it wasn't accidental Or that it didn't mean anything Because to both of us It meant so very, very much