clarity ... clear ..water ..view the pebbles and ..pond life.... ..fronds.. that sway ..gentle.. in the current ...mezmerising the eye hypnotizing ...the soul ..the koi ..glide like .....teenage boys first cars lapping.... endlessly.. round..back..round ..until the .......hits.. ...the water's... surface.... ....then they are ....glutinous ....fury...
....the little blue cat comes watch this show with ..calculation ...inherit.. in..his eyes ..he wants ... ...of those ..big..juicy fish... but.... they ...are to quick .... for him....he has tried...
.....the pond settles the ripples fade... the fish ..swim ..more sedately now.. ....and the frogs ...skim the surface.. gather...... the insects disturbed the earlier... maelstrom..
clarity... returns the frogs ...begin their nightly.... choral as we.. turn and ...walk into the house ...led by a ...hungry ... little grey cat...