so you're sitting on a bed it's not yours, because the wallpaper around you is yellow and stained
you checked into the hotel at three in the morning with a pretty boy and the promise of something that night
the sheets are crumpled around you a pillow on the floor and he's sleeping next to you looking five years younger and his hair is crumpled in a halo around his head you're not lying to yourself you know that you picked him up off the street after handing him two crumpled twenty dollar bills he's here for the money and you, well, you don't know why you're here
lying back against the yellow pillows and breathing deeply hands resting on a sweat-stained stomach and when you look over his blonde hair is moving with each breath mouth agape and a light dusting of freckles over his nose and cheeks and while the sound of night and car horns permeates the room the illusion that all is silent and still and that the world is waiting for you outside this bubble of *** and safety exists only in this dark room that stinks of sweat and sounds like the shallow breathing of two miserable men
the low buzzing of the radiator and the strip of light from the underside of the fridge are the only illuminators in the room
his breaths lull you to sleep and when you wake up it's only you in the bed with the afternoon shadows looming over you with a sudden finality
you don't see him again on the streets of new york, or in the dark, grungy alleyways of the underside of humanity and you can only hope though why you bother with this teenage boy adorned with freckles and blue eyes well you don't know