How many times can't I escape the fall? Or how many time shan't I? because sometimes collapse is needed. but judgement is hard(or easy) BUT HOW MANY TIMES MUSTN'T I? but i did My judgement is off. Because my falling has become a wicked hole it's not black it's a blinding swirl of colours separately gorgeous and together they rip from me the sense of beauty I had treasured now measured in seconds that have been wasted as I stand, one of the fallen
PERHAPS THAT WAS RIDICULOUS i AM A hUMAN i ENjOY hUMAN tHINGs LIKE THE LEAVES IN FALL AND I AM SAD SO SAD when I remember that not everyone's felt four seasons but those reasons aren't enough
I WATCH CATS FALLING DON'T YOU FEEL FREE TO KNOW that when cats let go there's no such thing as back drop
and I dream of falling in love and out of love whichever gives me wings TO FIND SOMEPLACE NEW WHERE I MIGHT CHOOSE TO FOLD MY WINGS AND FALL
but I guess I'm already falling into old age But WHY is that upsetting? FIRST you must fall young
it's what I've learned from the trees - the only way to spread without the feeling of falling to your death
I've never minded desperate falling, when arms shoot out to hit ground first 'cause when you're upside down ITS CALLED SOARING
that's why I can't handle complaints on falling dear goodness, pay attention
It's probably your calling.
I do understand sometimes when people talk of falling it's not positive, but this is hopefully a reminder to remember there's always something uplifting. Always.