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Mar 2014
The world around us
is full of discretion.
Judgement by race,
by sexuality,
by the way that you think.

How much better the world would be
if we all stayed open
and saw the world the same way we did
when we were only kids.

Because children take anything,
however big
however small
however different,

And see it all as equal
and special, in its own way.

A child also takes anything sad
and decides to look around to see
beauty in all things.

A dog chasing its tail,
a leaf fluttering in the breeze,
even a funny sounding goose
waddling around asking for bread.

They take the mistakes they make,
and try not to make that mistake again.
They fix what they've broken,
they hug whoever they've hurt,
and they always say sorry,
even if it wasn't entirely they're fault.

We could learn a lot from children.
With the way they think
and the way they act
even the way  they clean up their messes.

The world would be a better place.
If we could only stop ourselves from growing up.
The first and most famous poems from my old account. I thought I'd share again.
Written by
Anri Atreides  22/Non-binary
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