Thank you dear Lord for what you have given I do not know what allowed me this reward But now I have been granted vision
You have given me the chance to meet an angel of great faith I was in a downward spiralling trance now I enjoy every beat and every last breath
I pray that you take great care of your angel on the path she may follow To find someone so empowering, so rare guide her through, for with her there is a better tomorrow.
To the beautiful angel of my light thank you for waking me you have given me greater sight I see a greater perspective, I'm free
In return for what you gave and I receive I will be there for you in your time of need any pain I'll do my best to relieve just tell me when for your heart I can't read
I thank you dear angel my heart and soul shall protect at its very best, no matter how painful for you I have immense respect
You cured my heart and soul. thank you this is the least I can do. <3