I can do without the pressure. Just knowing Him is a treasure. I can't speak for God, nor would I want too.
I can't interpet his ideas and opinions like the ministers do. Where they offer their own perspective? Many with their own objective.
Man wrote the words that God inspired for them to do. And many has been right on points and true. There's nothing under the sun that isn't within the Holy Scriptures.
Once sin begun, it had no ending. Like many policies of our own politicians. All laws are made for guidance. And many requires good instruction.
What many states is against God words might be true? Then God might be testing us to see, if we can adjust. And still showcase His love.
Many love to say, what would Jesus do? This is when , we must sit back and reflect about that. Cause God really is judging us.
The words, are true. How can you hate your brother/sister? That you see every day. Then try to accept your enemy on a daily basis.
No, I can't speak for God. But will try to speak to you. Love can conquer all, if you don't let hate participate.